We should have gone back and shown the story to the villagers. We should have communicated how we intended to use it, and even if we weren’t going to use it, we should have explained the reason why. I would like to go back and apologize to the village worker for not getting back to him.”
Shalini Moodley, Co-founder and CEO of MetroGroup DRC
As donors, it is our role to create a safe space for [communications professionals and communities] to understand each other, not trying to rush that, give them time to brainstorm ideas, letting things unfold.”
Diah Dwiandani, Communications Specialist at Ford Foundation Indonesia
In this chapter, Moodley and Dwiandani draw from personal experiences to offer helpful insights on how donors, NGOs, media agencies and communications professionals can build processes that uphold the safety and dignity of the people whose stories are told, and enable stronger relationships to take root.
Devex is the media platform for the global development community. A social enterprise, we connect and inform over one million development, health, humanitarian, and sustainability professionals through news, business intelligence, and funding & career opportunities so you can do more good for more people.
This guide was made possible through a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. The Hilton Foundation is a family foundation established in 1944 by the man who started Hilton Hotels. The Foundation provides funds to organizations working to improve the lives of individuals living in poverty and experiencing disadvantage throughout the world.