Week two: Enable

Nearly 2.5 billion people do not have access to formal financial services. While entrepreneurs and investors have focused on products and services for the unbanked, development practitioners are working to re-create ecosystems for men and women worldwide. We’ll explore new opportunities for full financial inclusion, including how marginalized individuals can leverage rapid advances in technology, new financial literacy and new digital business models. We will also investigate existing efforts for economic inclusion, such as conditional cash transfers and the microcredit revolution.

Together, we are stronger

Going for broke — why investing in the unbanked shows a good return

Delivering economic empowerment and financial inclusion to people in underdeveloped countries could fuel improvements across development goals. But there is no one-size-fits-all solution for this potential cure-all. Devex speaks to Eileen Hoffman, director of the economic growth and trade practice at Chemonics, about what development practitioners should focus on in projects to deliver economic empowerment.


Opinion: Blockchain offers poorest a real economic identity — and a shot at the SDGs

Guest Column By Ashish Gadnis

Here are two simple facts facing the development world today. One: It is very expensive being poor. Period. Two: For all the tech innovation and mobile money in the world, billions in extreme poverty are still dealing everyday with the “curse of the empty purse.”

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Opinion: Why is demand-driven training like a long-term marriage?

Guest Column By Fiona Macaulay

Progress toward greater financial and social equality is under threat in parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia and this could jeopardize the region’s ability to meet the Sustainable Development Goals which calls for reduced inequality within and between countries.

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Opinion: Unlocking human potential through the power of mobile innovation

Guest Column By Yasmina McCarty

Mobile has the power to transform lives. It can reduce poverty and provide people with access to services such as health care, education and financial services, often for the first time. In this guest column, GSMA’s Yasmina McCarty offers some key areas where mobile money drives empowerment and financial inclusion.

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