Devex Partnerships & Career Forum
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
October 21-22, 2014

What to expect

On October 22, 2014, Devex is once again convening global development professionals looking for new career opportunities and recruiters from the leading development agencies around the world, for a day of networking and discussion about the latest trends facing global development hiring.

Recruiters representing 30+ of the world's leading development agencies will join us as exhibitors for a day of in-person networking with talent based in the region. Accepted job seekers in attendance will also have the opportunity to gain practical advice for their personal career development, by attending workshops and panel discussions throughout the day.

Hosted annually in Washington, DC for over six years, in addition to other global hubs like London, Brussels, Manila and Nairobi, our flagship career event will convene in Addis Ababa for the very first time on Wednesday, October 22, 2014.

Who should attend & how to apply

You must apply to attend the Devex International Development Career Forum in Addis Ababa. We look at the following criteria when accepting participants:


Mid- to senior- career level


7+ years of experience working in international development


Technical expertise


Managerial background


Project management skills


Advanced degrees in relevant fields of study


Experience working on projects funded by donors like USAID, DFAT (formerly AusAID), DFID, AfDB, IDB and other major donors

Please note that admission to the Devex Career Forum on Wednesday, October 22nd does not guarantee attendance to the Partnerships Forum and vice versa.

Agenda: October 22, 2014 (Day 2)

12:00 PM

Registration Opens

1:00 - 2:00 PM

The future aid worker: Managing your career in a changing landscape

International development is undergoing transformative change. Localization, increased private sector engagement, innovation and value for money are no longer just talking points - they are now ingrained in most global development work.

How are these changes affecting career opportunities in East Africa? How can local and expat development professionals stay in demand in this dynamic sector? What skills do professionals need to stay relevant in Ethiopia and beyond?

Find out what our panel of distinguished leaders working across development sectors think during a discussion of how these trends are impacting who they hire, what skills are required, and what you can do to stand out.

2:00 - 5:00 PM

Career Fair in the Exhibit Hall

2:30 - 3:30 PM

Devex Master Class: Tools and resources for navigating your job search

In this special breakout session, learn how to maximize the career resources on devex.com to find your dream job. Devex Senior Director for Member Services, Jamie Bay Nishi, will teach you our best practices for searching the job board and researching employers. Get insider tips and tricks on how recruiters search for candidates and how to create a profile to make sure you get found—and contacted—for employment opportunities.

3:45 - 4:45 PM

Acing your application: Do’s and don’ts of CVs and cover letters

How many pages should my CV be? Should you include an objective statement? How do you fit years of consulting projects into one short document? Are cover letters important? If these are questions you've ever wondered the answers to, this workshop is for you. During this discussion, expert recruiter Kelly Tobin from Engility International Development will reveal what they look for in CVs, what turns them off from certain candidates, and provide tips on how you can put together a winning application.

5:00 - 6:00 PM

Closing Networking Reception

We will end the day with a reception to network and continue conversations from across the day.

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