About the webinar

USAID Administrator Samantha Power has laid out ambitious targets for shifting U.S. foreign aid to local organizations and for involving communities in setting development priorities.

But this isn't the first time the U.S. Agency for International Development has undertaken a localization agenda, and past efforts have faced strong headwinds.

So what's different about the agency's approach this time — and what would a meaningful embrace of locally led development entail at the world's largest bilateral aid donor?

Join Devex for an in-depth discussion with industry leaders to answer these and other essential questions on USAID’s latest localization efforts.

Submit your questions live during the event or in advance to [email protected].
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The Speakers


Michael Igoe

Senior Reporter
Michael is a journalist who travels the world asking what comes next in the global effort to end poverty, improve health, and create opportunities. He has profiled some of development's most influential leaders, interviewed heads of state, and frequently speaks about development policy and implementation. Michael studied international conservation and development at the University of Montana and Russian at Bowdoin College.
Gunjan Veda

Gunjan Veda

Senior Manager for Global Collaborative Research and
Public Policy
The Hunger Project 
The Movement for Community-Led Development
Gunjan Veda is senior manager for global collaborative research and public policy at The Hunger Project Canada and The Movement for Community-Led Development. In this role, she leads a multi-organizational, multi-country, collaborative research team who works to strengthen the practice, impact, and evaluation of community-led development, or CLD, programming globally. Gunjan designs and conducts training on strengthening CLD and community-led monitoring and evaluation, and is an active participant in conversations about decolonizing aid and #ShiftThePower. She also works extensively with organizations such as USAID and the World Bank to center community voices in international development.
Nixon Orchatre

Nixon Ochatre

Founder and
Team Leader
Amani Initiative
Nixon Ochatre is the founder/team leader at Amani Initiative, a Ugandan local organization that has dedicated its efforts toward preventing and responding to harmful practices against children and women through low cost, high impact community-led solutions. Nixon is also the current chairperson of the Movement for Community Led Development – Uganda Chapter, made up of 54 grassroot organizations in Uganda that are adopting community-led development. For the last 10 years – through the Amani Initiative – Nixon has integrated and promoted a community-led approach to development that has contributed to establishing a network of 250 community change agents, 3,000 schools, 12 health facilities, and 15 women saving groups at the center of mobilizing and engaging communities to directly respond to community challenges across Uganda.
Alex Sardar

Alex Sardar

Executive Director
SEEP Network
Alex is the executive director of the SEEP Network, supporting the execution of programs and initiatives and keeping the network focused on innovation and transformation. He has over 20 years of experience providing strategic leadership and oversight on a diverse portfolio of technology and data-focused programming in support of civil society advocacy around the globe. Alex is passionate about figuring out how human beings can have a louder, more powerful voice and unhindered agency in what happens to their lives and in their communities; he firmly believes to never ask for permission when what’s at stake is ensuring human dignity.

Sandra Jennifer "Sandy" Cheeks

From the Surface
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”

Office Cat

Mouse Catcher
Quarantine land
And both of these, if one would tell the truth, were foreordained unto the holy place, where greatest Peter’s follower hath his seat. While on this quest, for which thou giv’st him praise, he heard the things which of his victory the causes were, and of the Papal Robe. The Chosen Vessel went there afterward, to bring thence confirmation in the faith, through which one enters on salvation’s path. But why should I go there, or who concedes it? I ’m not Aeneas, nor yet Paul am I; me worthy of this, nor I nor others deem. If, therefore, I consent to come, I fear lest foolish be my coming; thou art wise, and canst much better judge than I can talk.”
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