There are lots of ways to make your voice heard during Feeding Development. You can start by downloading one of our toolkits full of shareables to post across your social networks.
If you want to get your organization involved, plan an online event as part of our Digital Rally taking place July 21-25. You’ll find additional details about that in the toolkit for organizations. And don’t forget to join the conversation on social media using #feedingdev!
Join Practical Action for a Twitter chat on how the different components of the development arena – energy, water and agriculture - are inter-related within a well-functioning agricultural value chain. Join the chat using #feedingdev.
The upcoming U.S-Africa Leaders Summit is a milestone for the future of Africa’s development. Join IGD Leaders and Devex Impact as they discuss and answer your questions on how to do business and invest in Africa while having an impact. Guest panelists will tackle this timely topic and explore what investments are important, where the opportunities lie, and what role the development community can play in enabling growth.
Join Focus on Land in Africa for a 24 hour social media challenge. FOLA wants you to get creative and teach others about the connection between land rights and food security. The challenge is to complete this thought: "#Landrights matter in Africa because...." #feedingdev. You can submit your answers on FOLA's Facebook page or on Twitter with the hashtag #FeedingDev.
ACDI/VOCA hosted a brown bag with experts from GAIN and IFPRI to share thoughts, experiences, and perspectives around the important connection between nutrition and agriculture within market systems. These experts drew examples from their work in private sector engagement, research into nutrition-sensitive value chain interventions, and implementation of nutrition-sensitive value chain programming. Watch the recorded session now.
If your organization is working towards a more food-secure future, don't get left out of this conversation.
Join our digital rally with this easy step-by-step guide.
Use your voice to spread the word about #feedingdev on your own social networks.
Start by downloading our toolkit full of shareable facts and quotes, cover photos, ideas for tweets, and more!
Cover photo by: ACDI/VOCA