Event Overview
On the occasion of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly, Devex was pleased to partner with Royal Philips and The Rockefeller Foundation to host a private discussion titled "Closing the Gap: Innovative Business Models for Universal Health Coverage." The action-oriented discussion focused on the innovative new business models needed to secure quality universal health coverage. The event welcomed over 100 top executives from business, government, international institutions, and civil society.
The first panel, moderated by Michael Myers, managing director of The Rockefeller Foundation, brought together a diverse set of voices from some of the leading development organizations, government, and civil society groups to discuss the efforts and actions needed to secure universal health coverage by 2030. Panelists highlighted their experience in bringing quality health care to communities around the world, as well as how to best engage the "last mile" to produce successful results.
The second panel discussion was moderated by Raj Kumar, president & editor-in-chief at Devex, and gathered leading executives at the forefront of the UHC agenda. The discussion focused on the role of the private sector and multi- stakeholder partnerships in achieving UHC and delivering strong health systems. The panelists drew on personal experiences across a range of fields and countries to shed light on the innovative business models and solutions needed to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and the UHC2030 agenda.