Ask a Funding Analyst: 
Chinese aid
  • Tags:
  • funding, business development, Chinese aid, emerging donors

Have a question on funding trends and priorities for Chinese aid?

On October 10, our development analysts will be answering your questions about the emerging donor live on air. The 30-minute discussion will also cover:
  • A summary of trends in Chinese aid 
  • Best practices for leveraging Devex visualizations and analysis
You can submit your questions by emailing [email protected] by Friday, October 5, or simply participate live on the day.

Complimentary admission to this webinar is provided to those with a Business Intelligence Account. If you are not a Business Intelligence Account holder, you will be prompted to upgrade as part of your registration. 

Raquel Alcega
Development Data Manager, Devex

Raquel Alcega leads Devex's development data team, which tracks and analyzes the funding, programs and activities of financial institutions, philanthropic organizations and corporations that operate at the intersection of business and global development. Prior to joining Devex's Barcelona office, she worked in business development in Washington, D.C., and as a researcher in Russia and Mexico.

Maja-Wisenberger Maja Wisenberger
Development Analyst, Devex

Maja Wisenberger works in Devex's Development Data team in Manila, assisting in expanding data content and analyzing global funding trends. She has a master's degree from China and she brings experience from UNOPS, UN Women and the nonprofit sector. Her main areas of interest are poverty alleviation, economic and gender equality, and Chinese philanthropy.