About this series

In celebration of the 5th anniversary of the adoption of the International Labour Organization’s Violence and Harassment Convention (C190), Devex and FORGE have launched a new narrative series spotlighting the intersection of gender-based violence and harassment and climate change in the world of work.

The series will explore the essential leadership of women workers, particularly migrant workers and those in the informal economy, as drivers of inclusive and disruptive change. This series highlights their pivotal role in championing ILO C190's adoption and implementation and explores how they continue to address these critical issues by shifting power and influencing policy.

Explore Women Rising

How funders are addressing climate-driven violence for women workers

How funders are addressing climate-driven violence for women workers

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Why a just transition can’t leave women workers behind

Why a just transition can’t leave women workers behind

Explore this photo essay to learn how women workers — through their unions and collectives — are working tirelessly to defend their rights.

By Devex Partnerships
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How climate change impacts gender-based violence and harassment at work

How climate change impacts gender-based violence and harassment at work

As climate impacts increase, so too does the violence and harassment facing women in the world of work. Devex looks at the reasons why, and the efforts to address it.

By Devex Partnerships
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Women workers leading to end gender-based violence and harassment at work

Women workers leading to end gender-based violence and harassment at work

Women workers led a global campaign that resulted in a binding international labor treaty – ILO C190 – protecting workers from gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work. Devex spoke with two leaders at the forefront of the movement about what’s needed to implement it.

By Devex Partnerships
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Opinion: Women workers challenge gender-based violence and climate risk

Opinion: Women workers challenge gender-based violence and climate risk

Women workers have built a global movement to end gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work. As climate change exacerbates GBVH at work, funders can play a key role to support women-led movements for justice.

By Jana Morgan, Ghada Abdel Tawab, Vijay Simhan
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From our partners

Climate Change In The World Of Work: Violence at The Systemic Edge (2024)

By: Equidem

Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) (2019)

By: International Labour Organization

Violence and Harassment Recommendation (No. 206) (2019)

By: International Labour Organization

The Scorching Divide: How Extreme Heat Inflames Gender Inequalities in Health and Income

By: Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center

Dindigul Agreement to Eliminate Gender Based Violence and Harassment Year One Progress Report (2023)

By: Asia Floor Wage Alliance, Global Labor Justice & Tamil Nadu Textile and Common Labour Union

Unjust Transitions, Climate Migration, Heat Stress and Labour Migration in the United Arab Emirates (2023)

By: Equidem

Global Unions: Train the Trainers Toolkit on the ILO Violence and Harassment Convention (No. 190) and Recommendation (No. 206) (2021)

By: Global Union Federations

Report on IDWF survey on gender-based violence against domestic workers, Asia (2018)

By: International Domestic Workers Federation

Gender Equality and Inclusion for a Just Transition in Climate Action - A Practical Guide (2024)

By: International Labor Organization

Violence and harassment at work: Unions in action for C190 (2024)

By: International Trade Union Confederation

Global Impact Report: Eradicating Gender-Based Violence and Harassment at Work (2023)

By: Solidarity Center

Climate Crisis, Health and Informality: Building a Movement Across Borders (2023)

By: Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing

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FORGE is a collaborative of philanthropic donors working to advance a global economy that works for all. By pooling expertise and resources we enable community and worker-led movements to catalyze change at the intersections of the world's most pressing issues.