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About Our Partners

Foundational Partners

Devex. Do Good. Do It Well


Devex is the media enterprise and online community for humanitarian relief & development professionals, serving a global membership of 550,000 individuals and 1,000 leading organizations. It is a leading source of news, analysis and advice on development cooperation, and it hosts the world’s largest databases of jobs, projects, people and organizations working on land matters and other development causes. Our mission is to help the global development community assist the needy more efficiently and effectively. We do so by providing recruitment services, business insight and other information and services aid workers and organizations need to make a difference.



The U.S. Agency for International Development works in more than 100 countries to further America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while also extending a helping hand to people struggling to make a better life, recover from disaster or striving to live in a free and democratic country. USAID’s work in the land governance sector support efforts that clarify and strengthen the land tenure and property rights of all members of society – individuals, groups and legal entities, including those individuals and groups that are often marginalized – and to help ensure that land governance systems are effective, accessible and responsive.



Entirely employee-owned and ISO-9001 certified, Chemonics is driven by its mission of helping people live healthier, more productive and more independent lives. With experience in more than 150 countries, Chemonics partners with governments, businesses, civil society groups and communities to build capacity and promote lasting change in the areas of agriculture, conflict and disaster management, democracy and governance, education, energy, environmental services, financial services, gender, health, management solutions and private sector development. For more than two decades, Chemonics has pioneered solutions that increase the security of land and property rights and local control over natural resource management. By combining industry-leading expertise with an exceptional understanding of country-specific circumstances and conditions, Chemonics has experience in land titling, economic growth through land market development, resolving conflicts over resources, land policy reform, strengthening women's property inheritance rights, land use planning, and securing property rights to enhance environmental conservation.

Tetra Tech

Tetra Tech

Through innovation and leadership, Tetra Tech helps people across the world create the essential conditions for successful economic development. Since 1977, Tetra Tech has led more than 600 projects in Africa, Asia, Europe, Eurasia and Latin America that have helped countries respond to a range of environmental, social, institutional and other development challenges. Through Tetra Tech’s global land tenure and property rights work, the company has strengthened land conflict mitigation systems, carried out participatory land use planning, conducted land mapping and adjudication of claims, drafted land law and policy, built capacity of government institutions, strengthened land administration systems, promoted land restitution, and raised public awareness of the critical importance of land and property rights. Tetra Tech project successes have led to positive impacts in the areas of economic growth, conflict mitigation, food security and improved natural resource management in target countries around the world.

Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters Aumentum simplifies the revenue management lifecycle for governments around the world. Working with partners and through direct contracting mechanisms with international bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, Thomson Reuters has deployed groundbreaking land administration and tax solutions in more than 40 countries around the world, providing a solution to assist these developing nations in recording their land records in a digital format. Our unique combination of technology enhanced by experience enables governments to optimize revenue generation, support sustainable growth and improve services to the public.

Topic Partners

International Food Policy Research Institute

International Food Policy Research Institute

The International Food Policy Research Institute seeks sustainable solutions for ending hunger and poverty. IFPRI was established in 1975 to identify and analyze alternative national and international strategies and policies for meeting the food needs of the developing world, with particular emphasis on low-income countries and on the poorer groups in those countries. IFPRI has an extensive research program on gender issues in agricultural development and leads the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets, which includes research on collective action and property rights as mechanisms to reduce poverty and improve natural resource management.



Trimble Land Administration Solutions combines the most advanced and easy-to-use geodetic control, field collection, data processing and decision support technologies to help organizations quickly and accurately implement and manage land administration projects from conception to completion. Organizations can benefit from increased productivity, decreased costs and reduced error margins. Supported by a worldwide network of in-country distribution partners, Trimble has worked with numerous governments and land organizations from around the world, helping them to implement and sustain land management projects.

Social Media Partner



DAI is an employee-owned global development company. Since 1970, DAI has worked on the frontlines of international development, tackling fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. Particularly strong in community-based and customary land right mechanisms for food security and natural resource management, DAI typically tackles land tenure and property rights issues by means of integrated programming to achieve broader development objectives — based on the premise that secure land tenure and property rights are essential to enhancing food security, contending with climate change, preventing conflict, enabling investment and economic growth, and other development goals. DAI’s work in this area is led by Dr. Steven Lawry, who founded the program on tenure and NRM at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Land Tenure Center and led the Ford Foundation’s land policy and land reform initiatives in South Africa.